Thursday, May 3, 2018

Chapter 2 The Town of Friendly Fairies

Uwaaaa… Un… Definitely Fantasy!!」

There were trees so stupidly tall that looking up to them would be a pain, around them were the fairies’ houses that have been made using all natural materials from the forest, and the place is being lit by the fairies’ bodies that emit a simple gleam of light.

This is what’s in the woods that we came through, this space seems to be isolated by something, even the air in this space seems different. My excitement is already going into overdrive…

The moment I was reincarnated I was definitely sent to an area close to this fairy village, God also does some good things every now and then. I might have died if I didn’t meet Arena though.

「Ah, sorry? Yoshi yoshi.」

Because I suddenly let out a loud voice, Arena was slightly frightened. I cuddle her head immediately, 「Ehehe…」and her good mood returned. Although we have just met, isn’t she letting herself relaxed too much? I’m scared she’ll get caught by some creep? Although I’d turn him to ashes.

And then now, all the fairies who noticed us, seeing a new face, gathered towards us. Everyone’s as tall as Arena, in terms of differences, it would be their colors or shades. There are differences between men and women, though.

「Who’s this?」
「A face I don’t know?」
「Where did ya come from~?」
「Arena’s acquaintance?」
「A new Resident?」
「A visitor for the Queen?」

Only the last words caught my attention. Queen? Of the Fairies? The curiosity of the fairies is really amazing. It turned into a questioning bombardment that I got caught into. Arena was then lifted going 「Kyaa」and seems to be enjoying it.

A few minutes later, everything finally calmed down and went away. Arena that stood next to me asked 「You okay?」with a concerned face. I’m fine just a bit tired from all that. While we seem to be having fun someone approached and talked to us.

Looking towards the voice, there was a fairy covered in full body armor except for the face. Unlike other fairies, her hair and eyes have a shining rainbow gradation and color, and she has a really beautiful face like a goddess.

Looking at a glance you can tell that she is obviously of a different class. giving off the aura of a knight. and also carrying swords.

「Greetings, my fellow brethren without a name」
「Ah… Hai! Greetings… Who might you be?」
「I am a fairy serving under the Queen, the name is Norn. For a newborn fairy your INT seems to be quite high this should really help the situation. The Queen is waiting, would you accompany me to meet her?」
「Of course desu, I also want to know about various things.」

Finally someone decent enough to talk to has come, but still this person seems to know that I was just born, maybe she possess something like [Fairy Eyes] like myself. Let’s have a peek at her status for a bit.

Norn(105) Lv. 125

Race: Elemental Master Fairy

HP: 720/720
MP: 6000/6000
AK: 1052
DF: 543
MAK: 830
MDF: 1620
INT: 140    {ED: bwaaa her lowest stat! What they say about fairies is true!}
SPD: 540

[Inherent Skill]Fairy Magic, Fairy Eyes(Degraded), Manifestation Dependency

Skill: Swordsmanship(B-), Shield technique(C-), Four Attribute Magic(A+)

I don’t feel like fighting but, I don’t feel like I will win either way. The tribe is also in a different level. An Elemental Master seems to be an extraordinary tribe. She does possess [Fairy Eyes] but what is with those (degraded) Fairy Eyes? Maybe unlike mine she is only able to see a limited amount of information.

We moved while staying silent. Just being silent here is kind of boring so let’s talk to Norn for a bit. Norn-san seems to have a different level of knowledge compared to others.

「Ano, what is that huge tree at the center?」
「Nn?…Ah… It’s called the World Tree, it is also the Mother Figure of all the fairies who are here.」
「Mother Figure? In other words the origin of what allows fairies to manifest?」
「That’s right, but you seem to be different」
「Haha, sorry, it’s just, you don’t look like the same as the ones around here, the moment you were born it seems you didn’t know anything about yourself, most fairies stay safe because of being born close to World Trees but there are also rare cases like yourself that are born from outside.」
「What about Norn-san?」
「Me? I was born in this tree, I am also a childhood friend of the current Queen that we will meet.」
「Heee… What kind of fairy is the Fairy Queen?」

There seems to be no politeness etiquette among fairies, but since there is royalty  it is probably better to ask about it.

「She is definitely more intelligent than me, but a really nice person, although she has the title of “Queen”, there is no problem approaching her like approaching other fairies. Fairies with the highest INT are the ones that are in the position of King or Queen. There is also a common understanding that a King or a Queen can be interchanged based on how high their INT is.」

In other words it’s just like an extended game of yours huh? A fairy just being a fairy I guess.

「And also, fairies with high INT tend to have stronger and unique inherent skills. One of the popular skills would be something like my [Fairy Eyes]」
「I see, so does the queen also have one?」
「Well… That’s something you should really ask about from the person herself, that is how things should be done.」

Looking at where her finger is pointed, there appeared a heavy looking door. There are tree roots above it and it’s really huge, piling over and over so much that looks like it would break if a little weight was added.

「By the way, that door is something that the Queen made herself.」
「Handmade? Seriously by the Queen!!」
「I also helped out a littlely little bit sneakily.」
「Norn-san is that your normal way of speaking!?」
「Yup, normally I speak like a gal talking about sweets and hobbies.」
「This isn’t the fairy I thought I knew!!」

Norn-san makes a satisfied face while giving out a snort. ah, so that’s why. Norn-san who is serving under the queen likes to show some dignity that befits the job she has taken. Apparently fairies like to live on normally even if their INT is high. This seems to be normal around here even if their status is different. They’re people who don’t think too much and are just having fun.

「Well then, let’s go, she is waiting inside.」

Norn-san giving out a really bright smile, walked towards the door. I wonder if Norn-san is kind of tense.


No, that isn’t probably the case. It’s more like trying to conceal her overflowing joy in front of the Fairy Queen that she has known for a long time. I wonder what it’s really like?

「Greetings new neighbor, I am the Queen Testancia Fairliner, sorry about this but, is it alright if I look at you with my “Fairy Eyes”?」

In front of me is the Queen sitting in a wooden throne. Norn-san got down on one knee. Then got back up afterwards. Eh, was that it? Or maybe she got tired of it? Ah, is that so.
It seems like the queen didn’t mind it, I also stayed standing. The same as Arena.
…Why did this girl come this far?

「It’s okay… Is it okay If I look too?」
「It’s fine♪…」

And when we check each others status,

「「Wha… what is this!?」」

We shouted at the same time. The fairies that are around got surprised. Having been silent for a bit we then exchanged a handshake.

Testania Fairliner(105) Lv. 346
Race: Titania

HP 500/500
MP 75’000/75’000
AK 325
DF 1330
MAK 3420
MDF 4041
INT 1200
SPD 305

[Inherent Skill]     Fairy Magic, Fairy Eyes, Manifest Dependency,                    Clairvoyance

Skills: Four Element Magic(A+), Cooking(A+)

Even though she’s a Queen, why is her cooking skill so high!! If I compare it to myself, I can only turn everything into charcoal, how envious. What is with this status that feels like a weapon of destruction. The MP is so high. The level is 3 times higher than Norn-san.

「Your status is also on another level, the INT is also 6 times higher than mine, I guess wise men are also born from time to time, and your just a newborn by the time you reach my age you will definitely be a great figure. Your “Fairy Magic” also seems to be able to be freely manipulated.」
「No Queen, you are also great, learning culinary skills to A+ level is really envious. Please teach me about it too if there is time.」
「Alright! I’ll teach you all about our local cuisines♪…」

Yay. Let’s learn proper magic and note many recipes. Although I might fail again if I use the wrong temperatures…

「Queen, Let’s talk about that story at a later time.」
「Oh sorry about that… for now, shall we hold a Naming Ceremony?」
「Briefly speaking, It’s about deciding your name, Every fairy that has manifested around here possesses one. Because that is part of their nature.」

If I don’t do it, will something like getting assimilated by the other fairies happen? That’s scary. What would happen to my personality? Or maybe there’d be a double personality? There is no annihilation right?

「Those that are from outside are suppose to choose a name on their own, but since you were brought here by Arena to this fairy town, I would like to think of a name for you as a comrade. That won’t make you feel lonely right?」

It might be close to a fairy’s instinct. Because I have memories of being human, it seems my instinct is not that intact. A fairy has a tough life if you consider living in this world.

「Well then shall we begin it? That way we can all have a banquet tonight in celebration of having a new comrade.」
「Do we really have to make it so grand?」
「Don’t you think it’s just a perfect reason to celebrate?」
「Is that right?」

Don’t talk look at me as it it’s just like that. Arena don’t look at me with those shining expectant eyes. Fine, Let’s throw away my common sense as a human and just go along with the fairy tribe.

「Then let’s Begin!」

「Now. the No. 14985th time, the Naming Conference will now begin 」
「No no no no no no」

For some reason this is done in the middle of a huge stage (in wood) in front of the World Tree, the whole town’s fairies’ gather together and begun the Naming Ceremony. What’s more amazing is that they have done this meeting for quite a number of times now? Did you really have to make a fuss about something like this?

「Well then, introduce yourself first!」

Are you serious? Am I getting so nervous that cold sweat flows down my hands? My heart is also pounding like crazy as if it would come out of my chest at any moment.
No, but didn’t I already promise to abandon my common sense as human? Entering a town is to follow the rules of the place, there should be nothing to be embarrassed about. Let’s just go along with it.

「That’s why I will go. !!! Ready!!! Let the naming begin!!! Today I thank everyone who participated in this gathering today and listen to everyone’s appeal point and accept those that would be appreciated.」

The words that were coming out of me seemed to turn into something silly along with the weird tension I’m having, I don’t mind it though. Yup I definitely should not mind it.

「First of all I am a Dimension Fairy!!! A lonely fairy that is one of its kind in this world!!! 」


Eh? What? Why is everyone looking at me with pitying eyes? What’s wrong with everyone giving me that melancholic gaze? Hey you there female fairy, don’t cry as if I’m something so pitiful.. It will make me cry!!

「Second!! My INT is six time higher than the Queen waaaaaaa!!!」

「Third!! My special skill is singing!!!Aaaah~, everyone listen to my song~~~~!!」[ED: yes it’s a Macross 7 reference. WATASHI NO UTA O KIKEEEEE!!! TL:Yeah it’s macross alright]

Abandoning my thinking I used [Fairy Magic]. I created my clothes IDOL style and also created glow sticks for all the fairies present. I missed most of the details about it but still went with it as imagined and proceeded to sing idol Singles I know. The fairies had question marks above their heads not knowing how to use the sticks, but quickly imitate me as I was shaking mine as well. Not long after my tension reached its climax along with the fairies and followed me where I went.
Well, it’s Fever Time till morning!!

「Queen… Wasn’t this supposed to be a naming ceremony?」
「Eh? What? (swish swish)」
「… … Ah nevermind(swish swish)」[TL:Fairies sure forget about things as long as its fun and the naming ceremony became an idol concert] [ED: this might be a common thing amongst all of the galaxy’s deculture! TL:Idol Fever is… is… Just That Great!!]

「Aidle, won’t you drink sake?」
「Hue, delish~」

Alcohol to an underage, absolutely not.

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